Touch Rugby

This is a four day unit. Students will learn the rules and skills associated with playing the game of touch rugby. Concepts of basic offensive and defensive strategies will be emphasized. By participating in drills and games, students will have the opportunity to consolidate the skills and knowledge of the game.

Big Ideas

  • Students will understand that the team moves forward even though the ball must be passed backwards.
  • Students will understand that the speed can be used as an offensive advantage.
  • Students will understand that there are defensive strategies to negate the offense.
The Aim of the GAME
To score as many tries as possible by placing the ball on or over the scoreline. A try is worth one point. A match consists of 2 20 minute halves with a 5 minute break.

Skills you will need to know:

  • Roll ball, pass and receive.
  • Apply defensive strategies
  • Apply offensive strategies
  • Do:
  • Passing (basic, scoop, left, right)
  • Catching
  • Running onto a pass
  • Support the ball carrier
  • Quick defense
  • Roll ball
  • Play the ball quickly
  • Offensive strategies (skip, loop, sidestep, dummy)

16 Basic Rules

  1. Attacking team has 6 attempts or touches before possession changes unless other rules are infringed. 
  2. If the ball is dropped or knocked-on a change of possession occurs and the game starts with a rollball. 
  3. Attacking players may run with the ball or pass the ball sideways or backwards until they are touched. 
  4. If a player passes the ball forward a penalty occurs for a forward pass. 
  5. If a player passes the ball after being touched a penalty occurs for a late pass. 
  6. A tap on the mark is taken by non-offending team for penalties. Defending teams must retire 10M. 
  7. A touch is any contact between the player with the ball and a defender. It must be minimum force. 
  8. After a touch the player performs a rollball, stepping over or gently rolling the ball between the feet. 
  9. Players cannot perform a rollball until a touch has been made or a penalty results. 
  10. Players must perform the rollball at the mark or a penalty results. 
  11. The attacking player who gets the ball after the rollball is the half, who can either run or pass.
  12. If the half gets touched a change of possession occurs and the game restarts with a rollball at the mark.
  13. At the rollball all defenders must retire or move backwards a minimum of 5M. 
  14. Penalties are awarded against defenders who do not retire 5M for rollballs and 10M for taps. 
  15. A touchdown is scored when an attacking player places the ball on or over the scoreline. 
  16. The team that scores the most touchdowns in the game is declared the winning team

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