
In this unit and throughout MS PE students will progress from simple swimming skills such as kicking, floating and treading water to more complex skills like the development of freestyle, form strokes, and diving.  Beyond the skill-based focus, students will also complete a biathlon and become more familiar with the need for practice, safety and the need to follow rules whilst involved in all aquatics activities.

Big Ideas/ Essential Understandings

  • Swimming as a whole consists of various specialized individual skills/strokes such as the freestyle, form strokes, treading water, and diving.
  • Biathlon completion requires skill development and fitness development
  • Individual skills can be improved and corrected by self or by peer/teacher observation and feedback.
  • Swimming is a social lifelong activity where safety and following rules are key.
Essential Questions

  • Which fundamental skills of swimming are most important for my personal improvement?
  • How can I improve my performance in the class biathlon?
  • What are the common skill execution errors for each of the fundamental skills of swimming?
  • How can one ensure that safety and the following of rules occur in a swimming session?

How to Swim Freestyle

Common Freestyle Swimming Mistakes

1 comment:

  1. Really fascinating. Now I know how to swim the freestyle with perfect form.
